Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

9 month check up

So we got to visit our favorite pediatrician in the world, Dr. Hargrave, last week for Caroline's 9 month check-up. Okay, so we're a few weeks late. She weighs in at a whopping 18 lbs and 13 oz, and 27 inches in length. Right at 50 percentile. She had to have a little heel prick and blood test, and one shot. Oh, these are getting harder as she's more aware of what's happening.
After her appointment, we took Casey to our friend Trent's house, then loaded up the car and headed down to our 4th Impact retreat with FEFC. I love going to retreat, but was a little skeptical at how much I would be able to participate with Caroline in tow. She did great! She actually dropped her 3rd nap this weekend, which caused her to take 2 long naps per day. My monitor reached into the main meeting room, so I could put her down for her naps and then go to the sessions-- barely missed a thing. We had a fabulous speaker-- Gideon Tsang-- who I learned so much from. We are hoping to hang out with he and his family soon, as they live in Austin and he pastors a church here.
So we're now back in Austin for a while-- I say this because we've gone on 3 trips in the last 2 weeks.... all fun stuff but it's nice to unpack our bags and the Pack'n Play for a while!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We always have a lot of fun with Caroline around, and it's also great to share her with others-- she has a way of brightening any room with her sweet smiles and giggles. She has become INTENT on making friends with everyone she sees, and this plays itself out the most when we are at restaurants. She will stare and smile at anyone around us until they look at her and smile back. It's really funny to watch-- it doesn't matter if it's across the room or at the table beside us. Last night Jeff and I went to Cypress Grill for dinner, and our table was clear across the restaurant from the bar. But Jeff saw Caroline smiling at someone and when he looked to see who it was, it was the bartender. The bartender even came over to our table to visit Caroline. She is definitely an extrovert at this point in her life.... hmmmm.... wonder where that comes from???
During the last week, Caroline has gotten to spend a lot of fun time with Mimi, Aunt Anne, Grammy and Ron, and Aunt Mary & Uncle Kim. Oh how she loves the "special people" in her life-- she recognizes her family and is really bonding with them. Here are a few pics from this week. Enjoy :)