I feel like things need to slow down. Caroline is growing up so fast. I know one day I'll look back and think that she's still such a baby right now, but for now I feel like she's getting to be a big girl so fast. She is learning new words every day. Yesterday it was "bug" and today it was "ice" and "bye guys!" She's also really enjoying her cousins and friends. This is a fun age and I'm loving her new communication skills so much (and her newest relief for my back-- she's walking up and down the stairs on her own!!!)
Oh and for anyone that reads this that hasn't heard yet, she'll be a big sister this December!!! We are so thrilled and thankful!!!
Caroline in her Big Girl outfit:

A special outfit from Karen and Katherine for her 1st birthday that I've been patiently waiting for her to grow into:

Getting ready for the swimsuit competition:

Happy on the swing with her cousins, Cameron and Ashlyn: