Monday, February 11, 2008

Time to catch up

I haven't posted a new blog entry in so long that I'm stalled since I feel the need to "catch up" on everything so there aren't any annoying blog-gaps. As if this is going to be published or something.... regardless, there have been a few milestones in the past 2 months since Caroline's bday.

Started walking: (her first steps were on Thanksgiving day, and she really got good on Christmas day. Thank you Caroline for making this easy to remember.)

First time Mommy & Daddy left her for more than one night: We actually went to the other side of the world for 10 days.... I don't think she even noticed since she had so much fun with Grammy, Aunt Mary and Mimi!!

First Trip to the ER: Casey (our 85 lb lab) and Caroline got into a tight squeeze and Casey knocked Caroline into a wall. She got glue stitches and the "bonk bonk" is healing nicely.

First Haircut: It was time to cut the mullet-- I did it impulsively one morning while she was eating her breakfast. It's really hard to cut hair... I have a new appreciation for my stylist!! It's not a professional job by any means, but I like to think it looks like the "Posh Spice" bob. Bye bye for now, pigtails :)



B-Dub said...

Long live the mullet. She will thank you one day for cutting it. What a cutie! :-)

Jan said...

Love the update - thanks for sharing! We NEED to get together and catch up in person though.

Olivia said...

Looks like you're enjoying your new lens! Good work.

I didn't think the mullet looked all that bad in person, but in the pictures it definitely looks like it needs a trim. I still can't believe you did it yourself. Very impressive.

ellegirl said...

Happy Valentine's Day from Hunter!!

Caroline is such a cutie! Love that new lens of yours!

Ashley said...

She is still such a baby! Enjoy these moments.
Miss you, Mandy!