Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What a day!!!

We had quite a day today! It will be such a wonderful memory for years to come. About a week ago my friend Karen told me about an open casting call for Pampers. They were looking for babies about Caroline's size and so we went to the call and had our picture taken. We couldn't believe that we got a call back on Monday!!! I thought that this call back would be another round of snapshots, but found out last night that it was actually a full scale commercial photo shoot! We went to the location this morning at 8:30 and there was an entire crew of production people there... this crew included a make-up artist (thank you from Mandy) and a baby wrangler (thank you from Caroline) plus about 15 other people. The photographer is a well-known artist from Austin (, and when I went to her website to see her work I realized that I had a piece of it on my bedside table... a cover of Wonder Time magazine (my favorite!) Needless to say, it was an amazing blessing just to have her take photos of us at all!!! I got to see some of the images on the computer monitor during breaks and I just hope that someday I can have a couple of prints but for now the pictures are locked in my memory. I was so proud of Caroline and was thankful that God gave me peace throughout the day.... I was tempted several times to become anxious and not enjoy the moment for what it was. We're not sure when or if we'll hear if the images are selected for Pampers ads or packaging, but for now we're just happy for the fun day and experience!!!!


ellegirl said...

Yay! So super excited for you and Caroline!!!! You look so proud in that photo! Sounds like an amazing time! I hope you get to see the photos from the shoot again. I hope Caroline becomes the new Pampers baby!!! Congratulations to you both!!!

Jan said...

Fun news! Keep us posted.